The What
What is the Accord
OneAccord is a document concerning the authority of scripture on gender identity and human sexuality.
OneAccord is a document concerning the authority of scripture on gender identity and human sexuality.
The Who
Who is it For
Traditional, biblically based, evangelical pastors, churches and leaders.
Traditional, biblically based, evangelical pastors, churches and leaders.
The Why
What is the Purpose
1) To help us re-establish what it means to be an ‘Evangelical Christian’ in a day and
age when long-held, traditional beliefs, convictions, and lifestyles are rapidly
changing; and
2) To help us establish a coalition of Pastors and leaders who are
willing to stand together and act on these stated convictions.
Article 1 Affirm
Jesus Christ to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, God’s eternal Son and only Saviour of all mankind!
Article 1 Deny
That salvation can be found in any other name or by any other means than Jesus Christ.
Article 2 Affirm
The Bible to be God’s holy and inspired written revelation for all nations throughout all generations.
Article 2 Deny
All attempts to revise and reinterpret the time honoured traditional and biblical understandings of sexuality, morality, righteousness, and salvation. We understand them to be modern day heresies contrary to the revealed will of God.
Article 3 Affirm
That Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death for all mankind on the Cross, brought the forgiveness of sin and was the single greatest act of love in human history.
Article 3 Deny
That any human being can be reconciled to God apart from grace through faith in Jesus Christ and the act of personal repentance.
Article 4 Affirm
That Jesus Christ will return to rule over and judge the Earth and that we should live and work for righteousness with a sense of urgency
in the light of this reality.
Article 5 Affirm
That God has designed marriage to be a covenantal, sexual, procreative, lifelong union of one man and one woman, as husband and wife, and is meant to signify the covenant love between Jesus Christ and his bride the Church.
Article 5 Deny
That God has designed marriage to be a homosexual, polygamous, or polyamorous relationship. We also deny that marriage is a mere human contract rather than a covenant made before God.
Article 6 Affirm
That God’s revealed will for all people is chastity outside of marriage and fidelity within marriage.
Article 6 Deny
That any affections, desires, or commitments ever justify sexual intercourse before or outside marriage, nor do they justify any form of sexual immorality.
Article 7 Affirm
That God created Adam and Eve, the first human beings, in his own image, equal in dignity and worth as persons, and distinct as male and female. These divinely ordained differences are meant for human good and human flourishing.
Article 7 Deny
That the divinely ordained differences between male and female render them unequal in dignity or worth.
Article 8 Affirm
That the differences between male and female reproductive structures are integral to God’s design for self-perception as male or
Article 8 Deny
That it is consistent with God’s holy purposes in creation and redemption, as revealed in Scripture, to adopt a homosexual or transgender self-perception.
Article 9 Affirm
That those born with Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) are created in the image of God and have dignity and worth equal to all other image-bearers. They are acknowledged by our Lord Jesus Christ in his words about “eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb.” With all others they are welcome as faithful followers of Jesus Christ and should embrace their biological sex insofar as it may be known.
Article 9 Deny
That ambiguities related to a person’s biological sex render one incapable of living a fruitful life in joyful obedience to Jesus Christ.
Article 10 Affirm
That people who experience sexual attraction for the same sex may live a rich and fruitful life pleasing to God through faith in Jesus Christ,
as they, like all Christians, choose to walk in purity of life according to the Scriptures.
Article 10 Deny
That an enduring pattern of desire for sexual immorality justifies sexually immoral behaviour.
Article 11 Affirm
That it is contrary to Scripture to approve of homosexual immorality or transgenderism and that such approval constitutes an essential departure from biblical values and Christian witness.
Article 11 Deny
That the approval of homosexual immorality or transgenderism is simply a matter of moral indifference about which Christians can just agree
to disagree.
Article 12 Affirm
That the grace of God in Jesus Christ gives both merciful pardon and transforming power, and that this pardon and power enable a follower of Jesus Christ to put to death sinful desires and to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.
Article 12 Deny
That the grace of God in Jesus Christ is insufficient to forgive all sexual sins and to give power for holiness to every believer who feels drawn into sexual sin.
Article 13 Affirm
That the grace of God in Jesus Christ enables sinners to forsake transgender self-perceptions and to accept the God-ordained link between one’s biological sex and one’s self-perception as male or female.
Article 13 Deny
That the grace of God in Jesus Christ sanctions self-perceptions that are contrary to God’s will as revealed in Scripture.
Article 14 Affirm
That Jesus Christ has come into the world to save sinners and that, through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, forgiveness of sins and eternal life are available to every person who repents of sin and trusts in Jesus Christ alone as Saviour and Lord. That the Lord’s arm is not too short to save and that no sinner is beyond his reach.
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The What

The Who

The Why

Article 1 Affirm

Article 1 Deny

Article 2 Affirm

Article 2 Deny

Article 3 Affirm

Article 3 Deny

Article 4 Affirm

Article 5 Affirm

Article 5 Deny

Article 6 Affirm

Article 6 Deny

Article 7 Affirm

Article 7 Deny

Article 8 Affirm

Article 8 Deny

Article 9 Affirm

Article 9 Deny

Article 10 Affirm

Article 10 Deny

Article 11 Affirm

Article 11 Deny

Article 12 Affirm

Article 12 Deny

Article 13 Affirm

Article 13 Deny

Article 14 Affirm

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